Irish Farewell - Brazelton - Essential Prayers Project


Irish Farewell - Brazelton - Essential Prayers Project



New a cappella setting of traditional Gaelic well-wishing prayer. The "Irish Farewell", or St. Patrick's Blessing, is a prayer for sending someone you care about off on a journey into the unknown.

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"May the road rise to meet you..." May the road itself make your travel smooth and swift---resultful. May it host you in comfort and treat you well, until you reach your destination.

"May the wind be always at your back..." Any ancient sailor knows, any pilot, any modern commercial airlines traveler---all know that a tailwind will get you into port ahead of time. Running before the wind, nothing beats it.

"May the sun shine warm upon your face..." May you not be cold and shivering. Warm, not hot. May you have light to see your way. (But have you stopped to look up with eyes closed? How is it you feel the sun upon your face?)

"...and the rains fall soft upon your fields..." By this half of the larger prayer, in this short single sentence about sun and rain, something has changed. This tiny prayer-within-a-prayer finds you no longer traveling. You’ve found a home and begun to farm.And if both the sun and rain come, you will prosper. But a hard rain may bruise your crops just as a hot sun will dry and burn them.

"And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand." We may never meet again. Until then, I hope you will be safe and cared for by the god of your understanding.

$7.00 is for one PDF of the score. Suggested duplication price $15 (if you plan to make multiple copies of the score.) Please purchase this and email us here for duplicatable version.