BARUCHA: Candle Blessing for Shabbat - Brazelton - Essential Prayers Project

sample-sheet - BARUCHA - Brazelton - Essential Prayers Project.png
sample-sheet - BARUCHA - Brazelton - Essential Prayers Project.png

BARUCHA: Candle Blessing for Shabbat - Brazelton - Essential Prayers Project



An A Cappella setting of a 9th-c. barucha.

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Every Friday at sundown in a traditional Judaic home, someone lights a candle before the Sabbath meal. That person then recites this 9th-c. barucha.
Our intention is not to replace traditional chant but to honor this ancient use of prayer in the home as essential.

$7.00 is for one PDF of the score. Suggested duplication price $15 (if you plan to make multiple copies of the score.) Please purchase this and email us here for duplicatable version.